Parameter Output supports Type Output

TYPE customer IS RECORD (
        first_name VARCHAR(255),
        last_name  VARCHAR(255),
        age        NUMBER

TYPE customers IS
    TABLE OF customer;

TYPE numbers IS

PROCEDURE example_proc (
    -- in/inout parameters
    out_numbers      OUT numbers,
    out_customer     OUT customer,
    out_customers    OUT customers
 * if package is not blank, it will be `schema.package.type_name`, otherwise `schema.type_name`
 * /
ParameterOutput.withParameterName(...) // parameter_name
        .withArray(...) // schema.package.array_type_name
        .withStructArray(...) // schema.package.array_type_name
        .withStruct(...) // schema.package.type_name

 * use this in case type contains keyword "TYPE `numbers` IS TABLE OF `primitive type`"
 * Note:
 * `numbers` is example, you can declare name whatever you want
 * `primitive type` is one of VARCHAR, NUMBER, NVARCHAR...
 * /
var outNumbers = ParameterOutput.withParameterName("out_numbers")

 * use this in case type contains keyword either "TYPE `customer` IS RECORD" or "Type `customer` AS OBJECT"
 * Note: `customer` is example, you can declare name whatever you want
 * /
var outCustomer = ParameterOutput.withParameterName("out_customer", Customer.class)

 * use this in case
 * 1. type contains keyword "TYPE `customers` IS TABLE OF `customer`"
 * 2. `customer` contains keyword either "TYPE customer IS RECORD" or "Type customer AS OBJECT"
 * Note: `customers` and `customer` are example, you can declare name whatever you want
 * /
var outCustomers = ParameterOutput.withParameterName("out_customers", Customer.class)
    .withStructArray("example_pack.customers"); // no need type `customer`

public class Customer {

    private String name;
    private String lastName;
    private BigDecimal age;

    // getter/setter